Need Wedding Inspo? Here’s Where to Start
So you’re engaged and keen to get started on planning your wedding. First things first – congrats! Now the fun begins. Okay, fun might not be the only word to describe what’s next. Overwhelming also comes to mind. Weddings tend to be a big deal and there’s a lot that goes into planning one, even if you are doing it on the cheap or very low-key.
Here are a few ideas if you are feeling like a deer in the headlights and don’t know where to start when it comes to planning your big day!
The Internet is Your Friend
You probably stumbled upon this article by doing a wedding inspiration Google search! There are so many bridal and wedding websites, articles and online resources out there. Your Favourites tab will come in handy while you are trawling through the Internet. If you come across something you like or find interesting, bookmark it. Build yourself a small library of links that you can refer back to.
Social media is a great resource for wedding planning, especially Instagram and Pinterest. While both platforms contain A LOT of content, it can be fun going through a bunch of photos and getting a feel for what styles or vibes you like. Start out small and save a few images to a folder on your phone or in your Pinterest account. This will give you another library you can use as you are going through the steps of wedding planning.
A great place to start are wedding photographer blogs! I have plenty of articles written over the past year from the eyes of a professional wedding photographer. I also have a ton of real weddings that you can view and get inspo from! Check them out here!
Ask the Experts
Planning a big event is not something everyone enjoys. But there are people that get paid to plan events for a living and love doing it! If you are really struggling to get started on your wedding plans or maybe part of you just can’t be stuffed doing it, seek out an expert to help you. A wedding planner can make your life in the lead up to your big day a heck of a lot easier. That’s what you pay them for. It might seem like an unnecessary added cost to some, but for others, hiring a wedding planner could just preserve your sanity for your big day!
Ottimo House - Sydney | I’m so in love with their rolling hills and landscape!
Ask People You Trust
Chances are, you have a few people in your life who are married and have experienced planning a wedding. Talk to them about their experiences, ask them for advice and tips on where to start. You don’t want to be a copycat, but maybe one of your loved ones had a wedding that you attended, which really stuck in your brain. Ask them for a few tips as to how they created such a special occasion.
Remember What’s Important
A great place to start when it comes to finding inspiration for your wedding is the main reason why you are doing this whole thing – the love between you and your partner. Think about who you both are as people – what interests you, what you like, what your styles are like. Make a list of words that describe you both and your relationship. These words can serve as the framework behind how you plan and what you plan.
Want more advice? Check out my other blogs!